Frequently Asked Questions

Apply now and start earning as a freelance writer
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Do you hire?
We hire writers from all over the world with English level C1 and higher. Press the “Register” button at the top of the page and follow a few simple steps to become one of our writers.
What are the application stages?
  • Register via Facebook.
  • Verify your phone number.
  • Complete a 300-word test task within 24 hours after pressing the “Start the Test Task” button.
  • Verify your identity by sending us a scan of your government-issued ID and a photo of you holding your ID.
  • Complete your 1st test order.
Note: The task you submit is reviewed by our editors based on our company’s writing standards. You will receive an email either confirming or declining your application based on our criteria. We do not discuss or reconsider the editor’s decision. You’ll have the opportunity to apply again in several months.
How long does it take to apply at 24writers?
It takes 3–6 business days to pass the application process.
How do I verify my phone number?
We send you a verification code to the phone number linked to the Facebook page you register with.
What are the requirements for the 1st test order?
You are to write a 3-page task with a 3-days deadline. You are to follow all the instructions and exclude any plagiarism, format, style, or grammar mistakes.
What should I do to pass the ID verification?
You will need to send us 2 photos:
  • your government-issued ID with a photo
  • you holding your ID card with photo next to your face
Note: For security purposes, we may ask you to verify your identity again in the future if we suspect your account has been sold.


How can I choose an order?
Check the orders that are available to you and send your desired price per page and deadline for the order you’d like to complete.
Are there any fines?
Yes—if you drop the order you worked on and in the case of a customer-initiated refund caused by your mistakes or miscommunication. More details on fines will appear in your personal admin panel on the Library—Price Table and Penalties page.
What are the standard requirements for an order?
We verify your writing based on its originality, adherence to instructions and writing standards, word count, and citation style format as well as grammar, punctuation, and style coherence. You will be able to find out more about how your work is verified and evaluated by our editors at Library—Sending a Completed Work and Library—Evaluation Criteria.

& Payroll

What is the average salary I can earn?
Your salary depends solely on you: number of pages written, task complexity, and urgency. Our top writers can earn up $1,000 per payment period, which adds up to $2,000 per month.
How often will I receive payment?
You will be paid twice per month during the payment release days: 1st–10th and 16th–25th of each month. Once you reach the minimum release payout.
How can I get my payout?
Use any convenient method — Payoneer Wire Transfer or Payoneer prepaid card.